Mead Moon

15th Jul 2019

The Mead Moon is the Full Moon in Capricorn, and the Dark Moon in Cancer.

What are are your associations of mead? Many people consider mead a symbol of inspiration, poetry, scholars, bees, the Sun.

Mead is created through fermentation, which is a very cool process if you think about what is happening: the old falls away, and something new and totally different is given life. Sounds magical to me!

During the Mead Moon, it is a good time to reflect on this kind of process of transformation. What in your life may need to fall away, so that something new can be created? What *is* being created? Does it reflect your essential self?

For me, I think there are some good lessons of Transformation in my everyday life. What needs to fall away? As usual, with me, it’s excess social media & screen time. When I ask myself, “What is being created?”, then my mind fills with all kinds of potential art projects, interesting topics to study, potential creative partnerships that might flourish, and lots more really cool stuff.

What things come to your mind when you ask that question of yourself?

Some meditation topics for the Mead Moon:

  • What may you need to let go of? What does not serve your life?
  • What fears do you hold? Are they rational? Are there any that are holding you back, that may be beneficial to release?
  • What are you creating in your life?

Affirmation for the Mead Moon:

“We are related to all things,
the earth, and the stars,

– Black Elk


Image: Hotel Tassel, Victor Horta